Traveling in a Winnebago

Traveling in a Winnebago
Traveling in a Winnebago

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Nav-A-Gator Bar & Grill on the Peace River with Friends

Yesterday was a pleasant day at the Nav-A-Gator Bar & Grill with our friends Don & Joni and their friends the Hoffnagles. We had great food, great beer, and great company while we relaxed listening to live entertainment. It was a real fun party.

As you can see everybody had a great time. I know, I'm not in the picture but someone had to run the camera. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

As it turns out John Hoffnagle was also a pilot and flew out of the Plainville Airport as I did. It was many years ago in a past life but I'm sure we rubbed elbows together at the time. We both knew the same people and had a great conversation about flying and the good old days. It's always fun to talk flying and discuss a common past. Thanks John for bringing back great memories.

A great time always goes by too fast and before we knew it we all said our goodbyes and headed our separate ways but only for a short time because we will be seeing each other again.

Today was another lazy day at the campground at least for me. Bev did the laundry as I enjoyed myself riding the bike and visiting with my neighbor the local Alligator. He was hanging out on the Peace River along with a large turtle. I love riding my bike down the path by the river to check out the wildlife. Riding the bike is better than walking because I get to sit.

Gee, It's a good thing Bev is willing to do the laundry. It would really be tough if I had to do it. Thanks Bev I do appreciate your efforts.

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